AC 800M - God PLC
ABB PM857K02 3BSE088386R1 Redundant Processor Unit Cheap&Stock
1. Product Overview The ABB PM857K02 3BSE088386R1 is a high-performance redundant processor unit that is part of the AC 800M control system. This processor p……Read more -
ABB PM857K01 3BSE088385R1 Processor Unit Immediate Quote
1. Product Overview The ABB PM857K01 3BSE088385R1 Processor Unit is a High Integrity (HI) processor, certified for SIL3 safety applications. This processor i……Read more -
ABB PM856AK01 3BSE066490R1 Processor Unit Consult Us
Product Overview The ABB PM856AK01 3BSE066490R1 Processor Unit is a high-performance industrial automation control component designed for the ABB AC 800M con……Read more -
ABB PM633 3BSE008062R1 Processor Unit 2 Days Delivery
1. Product Overview The ABB PM633 3BSE008062R1 Processor Unit is a core processing module in the AC 800M PLC series, based on the MC68340/25MHz processor. It……Read more -
ABB CI873A 3BSE092695R1 AC 800M Communication Interface Module In Stock
1. Product Overview The ABB CI873A 3BSE092695R1 AC 800M Communication Interface Module is a high-performance communication module designed for the System 800……Read more -
ABB CI854B 3BSE069449R1 Communication Interface Module Consult Us
Product Overview The ABB CI854B 3BSE069449R1 Communication Interface Module is a high-performance communication interface designed for industrial automation ……Read more